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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


This woman holds a pentacle that she has just ornately embellished. She admires both the final product and remembers with pride her industrious efforts in creating it.

This page is industrious, crafty, good with her hands, and very earnest about saving her money. She likes to learn new things and particularly enjoys structured learning, classes, workshops, and programs. She is clever and creative in finding little ways to earn money or supplement her income. Always seeming to have a little something extra, she is generous and often gives unexpected gifts. pages can also represent messages; in this case, a message about money, resources, a material mafter, or a health issue.

If reversed, this page can be someone in a position of servitude or under someone's control. She can also be someone who is stingy and a penny-pincher or who never wants to give or do more than she has to.

Use your intuition

  • She is wearing a red gown and a fur-trimmed green cloak; is there any symbolic significance?
  • Do you think she has just made the pentacle or is she analyzing it to determine how it was made? How would that answer affect this card in your reading?

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